. . . and learn about yourself
Discover why you have tried to change your eating habits so many times—and failed. Learn how to fast safely, break food addictions successfully, and eat healthfully. Understand how your spiritual life is connected to your eating habits.
You will find Christian content, but don’t let that scare you off; FreedomYou is one of the best research-based sites on fasting, detox and nutrition.
So what do . . . 
- Fasting
- Spiritual Health
- Healthy Recipes
- Breaking Addictions
- Health
. . . all have in common?
Each one are vital steps toward gaining control over your health. Here’s how it works. Fasting results in physical and spiritual detoxification, plus fasting is a powerful tool in breaking food addictions. This is vital because addictions to salt, fat, and sugar make it impossible for you to manage your weight and health. Most of all, fasting will restore intimacy with God; without intimacy, there can be no freedom.
But fasting is not enough. What about the rest of your eating life? Not only do the resources on this site equip you to fast successfully, but FreedomYou provides all of the nutritional and spiritual information to help you eat in freedom so that fasting can become a launching pad to a brand-new life of health.

I encourage you to check out
The Steps To Freedom Program, our four-book series that teaches you how to fast, deal with your food addictions, and arms you with the knowledge of how to eat healthily and freely. This program has been our bestseller for the last twelve years, and the countless email testimonies we have received prove that it works. Take some time to read our Fasting Testimonies and
Book Reviews. If you have a fasting story or simply want to drop us a line, email Ron at
We Have Come a Long Way
Since FreedomYou went online twelve years ago, millions have learned how to experience the physical and spiritual health God intended us to have. Finally, we have launched our new site with updated information while dramatically increasing our fasting and nutrition content. Your email questions directed us toward what needed to be written. Thank you for helping us shape the direction of this site.
Read about our launch.
How To Find What You’re Looking For
Exploring our wide range of information is easier than ever. Look at the top menu bar. The drop-down headings make it effortless to locate the article you are looking for. On the left side is the “Related Articles” box. You can scroll through a list of articles that are relevant to the page you are reading, or simply read to the bottom of a page and follow the provided link to the next related page. Of course, there is always the “Search the Site” box on your top left; this is a handy tool when wanting to get to something specific, for example, “gluten in bread,” or “soy protein.”
On the right side are links to related books and juicers. Finally, Ron Lagerquist’s New Blog.
Check out Ron's other site: www.thejuicenut.com for detailed information on the health benefits of fruit and vegetable juices, and juice recipes.