Flax Muffin In A Cup

By: Ron Lagerquist

This recipe is a win, win, win.  It’s fast, the only dirty dishes is a cup and a fork, and it’s crazy good for you. I could also add another win: it tastes delicious. You will have no problem feeding this to your picky kids. Ok, one more win.  Instead of contributing to the typical morning foggy mind like bacon and eggs, it actually benefits the brain, so you may be able to get rid of that coffee addiction. The main ingredient is flax meal. Just about everyone knows that flax is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Research has shown this vital lipid improves brain function. And that’s just the beginning. Omega 3 lowers bad cholesterol and is an anti-inflammatory and very high in fiber for a healthy colon. If you want to learn more about flax, read this: Omega 3 Rich Flax Oil

Kaegan’s Brain Muffin
300 calories

¼ cup of flax meal
½ teaspoon of baking powder
2 tablespoons of sucanat
½ teaspoons of cinnamon
1 egg (organic)
2 teaspoons of olive oil

Optional Additions

crushed walnuts

Put dry ingredients in a mug and mix with fork. Add egg and olive oil and whisk briskly with fork. Microwave for 50 to 60 seconds.

Eat while still warm and you will be surprised how tasty it is. I also find I am not hungry for hours; the 12 g of protein helps with that.Don’t worry about the addition of an egg, the latest studies are showing that dietary cholesterol does not raise bad blood cholesterol, but the omega 3’s and fiber in the flax meal does lower bad blood cholesterol. So enjoy! 

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