Infant Formula Compared To Breast Milk

By: Ron Lagerquist

“Studies by Ohio State University, Food and Technical Division, found that formula with added carrot juice encourages the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria. Their stool resembled more closely those of breast-fed infants.”

Infant Formula Compared To Breast MilkAn infant is connected to her mother physically through the umbilical cord. She hears the mother's heartbeat, feels her emotions, and listens silently to the warmth of her voice. The transition from her secure, loving cocoon to a cold stark world is buffered by the bonding of a mother's breast. With the warm fluid from her mother's breast, she is nourished with enzyme-rich, genetically-suited nutrients. The infant once again is soothed by the sound of her mother’s familiar heartbeat. A vital comfort, nurturing emotional development in a harsh world.

Imagine a scientist mixing up water, liquid corn syrup, sucrose, soy protein isolate, soy oil, coconut oil, and modified cornstarch. As you look over his shoulder, you shudder as he offers it to your baby. The above list is the first seven ingredients of a hospital-recommended, best-selling, lactose-free formula. We offer the hungry mouths of our newborns liquid sugar, toxic oil, empty starch, and synthetic nutrients.

Breast milk contains active anti-infective properties to protect against disease and infections. Because bottle-fed babies do not have this advantage, many are constantly fighting infections or sickness. The beneficial bacteria in the stools of breast-fed infants are composed of 100 percent bifidus, compared with formula-fed infants at only 30 to 40 percent. Depletion of healthy bacteria causes bottle-fed infants to be prone to infections.

Studies by Ohio State University, Food and Technical Division, found that formula with added carrot juice encourages the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria. Their stool resembled more closely those of breast-fed infants.

In a report published by Diabetic Medicine, in the November 1992 issue, 426 children with newly-diagnosed Type 1 diabetes were studied. The results implicated that the earlier an infant is started on cow’s milk, the greater the risk of developing juvenile diabetes between the ages of 7 and 14. There are also higher instances of Multiple Sclerosis in areas where children and infants were fed dairy products instead of breast milk.

For years mothers were encouraged to replace breast feeding with the bottle. The idea was that the formula was specifically designed for the nutritional needs of a growing baby. In an age of astonishing growth in knowledge, protective mothers trusted the genius of science to feed their newborns even above their own breast. After all, some of the greatest heads went toward masterminding this perfectly fashioned food. Today, everything has changed; mothers are now encouraged to abandon the bottle and, if at all possible, breast feed. The same science that produced formula has discovered that nothing can replace the genius of mother’s milk.

We have the knowledge to map DNA but even today science cannot replicate the highly specialized nutrients in mother’s milk. After years of trial and error, science has unapologetically defaulted to mother’s breast. It seems that the continuing growth of knowledge has brought even the most skeptical minds to a place of almost awe of the elegance of the natural world. The emphasis has shifted from the expertise of the interfering scientist to the genius of the human machine. It is a lesson we should not soon forget.

Related Article: Cows Milk Compared to Human Milk

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