All the essential nutrients in fruit and vegetables are locked within their fibers. A juice extractor frees these essential nutrients so they can be absorbed and used directly, requiring a minimum amount of digestive effort. Therefore the metabolic energy can be used 100% for cleansing mucoid matter from the lymph and toxins from the cellular tissue. What you need to increase the quantity of enzymes, vitamins and minerals absorbed into the body is a juice extractor! A good juice extractor is a valuable tool in achieving vitality.
For most health conditions, juice fasting is the best method to transform health. Through juice fasting, thousands of individuals have been freed from serious diseases such as cancer, leukemia, arthritis, high blood pressure, kidney disorders, skin infections, liver disorders, alcoholism and even smoking. Because juice fasting removes toxins and excess fatty tissue while supplying a full spectrum of nutrients, it has an advantage over any weight-loss program. I have been spellbound by the joy and happiness that radiate from those who lost from 20 to 100 lbs. of excess fatty tissue on a juice fast.
Juice fasting works because it does two things:
Removes Toxins–Eliminates life-robbing toxins that hinder the body's God-given recuperative abilities.
Increases Nutrients–Floods the body with nutrients that energize the body's natural regenerative abilities.
Modified Juice Fasting
You may consider modifying the fast by including quarter slices of avocado or banana to slow the cleansing process. Modified juice fasting is good for those with health restrictions such as diabetes or hypoglycemia. Bananas and avocados are slow to digest and maintain a stable blood sugar level. Their high calorie content slows the intensity of the fast and, because they are easy to digest, the body still devotes energy to cleansing.
The natural healing ability of juices reinforces the compassion that God has for supplying our physical needs.
Juice fasting can include fresh juice, herbal teas, sweetened with honey or Sucanat, vegetable broth, Barley Green, wheatgrass juice, and supplements helpful to your specific condition. You can even have homemade frozen juice popsicles.
If using the enema kit, I recommend it once on the first day and once per day for the first week. Following this once every two or three days is sufficient. The enema kit should be used in a cleansing crisis or for a cleansing reaction. If you choose not to use the enema kit, two teaspoons of powdered phylum husk per day will help move the toxins out of the colon. Prune juice or senna tea also may be beneficial.
How much juice can I drink while juice fasting?
I have been asked this question so many times I decided to answer here twice. Drink to your heart’s content! On a busy day I have consumed a gallon of carrot/apple juice and the juice of two large cantaloupes. Fresh, strained juices will not encourage hunger or pull you out of the fasting state. Other days, like on weekends, I may naturally slip into water fasting, forcing a slowdown, deepening my prayer and solitude with God.
There are times the body will desire a greater intake of juice. Increased physical activity or entering into detoxification state can trigger increased juice consumption. I have found I drink more juice at the beginning of my fast, and as the fast progresses, my need for juice diminishes. This is not so with everyone.
Try to stay away from dead, bottled juices, for some unknown reason they can cause hunger and are far less sustaining. Remember V8 is not juice but a blended food, containing tomato paste and tons of salt. If you treat yourself to this easy food you will experience hunger afterward indicating an awakened digestion, the last thing you want when fasting.
Be careful not to drink too much acidic juice in the morning. Melon or vegetable juices are best if drinking large amounts. Acidic juice early in the morning may cause stomach cramps for some.
If you have decided to water fast I find it a real challenge to drink the daily 8-10 glasses recommended. It’s the experience of many to lose their thirst altogether. Nonetheless, force yourself to drink as much water as you can. Water will help clean the body of toxins through the kidneys. In our toxic environment, maintaining a fresh supply of water going into the system will force the flushing out of toxins instead of a build-up, causing discomfort.