What If Christians Were Healthy?

By: Ron Lagerquist

“Radiant health is contagious and a shining testimony to the God of health.”

What if Christians were in the forefront of environmental issues? It would be our voices heard on TV, not the evolutionists we are so upset about. And why shouldn’t the Church become the herald of  virtuous global change?  After all, are not moderation and good stewardship taught in the Bible? Not just stewardship of our money but of our body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I say change by example because if you eat according to the teachings on Freedomyou, people will start asking you questions like: Where do you get all your energy? How do you keep your weight down? Have you always had beautiful skin? Your answers will do more to impact others than a picket sign. Radiant health is contagious and a shining testimony to the God of health.

Christians are skittish about making an issue of what has historically been a socialist, New Age platform. Ecologists, naturalists and environmentalists, are they not all evolutionist God-haters? Some are. They see religion as a rapist of the environment and they have a point. Historically, Christians thought of wilderness as a thing to subdue and conquer. Even today, when I speak with Christians, they say, well, it’s all going to be over soon anyway. . . besides, we should be busy winning the lost—and I can’t talk about it right now, I am watching Survivor.

What if Christians were in the forefront of environmental issues? It would be our voices heard on TV, not the evolutionists we are so upset about. They stole our show and filled a vacuum left by us. If the Church had a greater voice, we would gain greater respect, becoming protectors of all living things precious to our Creator.

Sentiment aside, Adam named every animal during a time when names meant something. Chicken is not just a widget one loads on a truck. The same God who sees the little sparrow fall watches the gross mismanagement of the natural world where animals are no more than a commodity, bought and sold like stock.

It is not wrong to eat meat. It is wrong is to support an industry that raises animals barbarically. People do more research on vehicles than on the food they are eating. Parents want to make sure the car they drive is safe for their children, but what about the safety of that Big Mac? Take one sitcom’s worth of time to educate yourself on naturally raised sources of animal foods available in your area. It’s time well invested and will result in money better spent.  Besides, it’s a good testimony. After all, it’s your Father who created this world of wonder.

Related Article: The Ethics of Modern Animal Farming

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